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The Hunger Games

Welcome to the Hunger Games crisis! In this crisis, delegates will represent various characters presented in the Hunger Games series in order to work to restructure the nation of Panem. This committee takes place after rebel forces have taken over the Capitol of Panem. After many years of district unrest towards the Capitol, and traveling across districts to gain support for the rebellion, rebel forces were finally able to successfully take over the Capitol. Once they had taken over, rebel leader President Coin declared herself President of Panem and hosted a discussion between all surviving victors of previous Hunger Games, as well as representatives from each district, to discuss restructuring the government. In this committee, delegates will simulate this discussion using their given positions to argue their characters' sides when restructuring the government and grappling with imperative issues to determine the future structure of Panem, the future of the Capitol’s citizens, and the legacy of the Hunger Games. We look forward to seeing how you delegates take on this exciting crisis!
Position Papers Due By 12/03 @ 11:59 pm



My name is Soha Mahapatra and I’ll be your chairperson for this conference, along with your co-chair, Allie Bonier. I am currently a sophomore at Marriotts Ridge High School, have been a member of Marriotts Ridge Model UN since my freshman year, and currently serve on the club’s Executive Board. Being a part of MUN has been amazing, as I’ve gotten to experience new things and make some great friends. As an avid Hunger Games fan, I’m looking forward to seeing how you delegates approach the committee topics. 


My name is Allie Bonier, and I will be your committee co-chair alongside your chair Soha Mahapatra. I am a junior at Marriotts Ridge, and have been a part of Model UN since my freshman year. I joined Model UN because I wanted to improve my public speaking skills. While it was intimidating at first, it quickly became one of my favorite clubs, and it has since brought me such incredible experiences and friendships! Crises are my favorite MUN committee, so I am excited to see you delegates bring this crisis to life! 

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