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The Rise of AI

The year is 2050 and delegates now reside in a utopian paradise, a world where robots seemingly co-exist with humans in a mutually beneficial relationship. Technology, development, and science has advanced exponentially ever since the Robotic Revolution marked the birth of "Sentient Robots." With only a chip for a heart, these robots are seemingly human both mentally and physically, albeit, outclassing them a million times. However, as the tenacious animals they are, Humans refused to ever let the robots have the upper hand, but that only begs the question, "For how long?" After taking a closer look into this “perfect world,” delegates will notice that this future is much more tainted than it initially seemed. Society has been split between two parties, one supporting the rights of robots while the other urges for a trip back to the Stone Age. In addition to this, a third party is said to have emerged from the shadows with one goal in mind, complete robotic domination. Delegates are expected to decide what will happen with this new robotic race going forward and find out which one of their fellow delegates is secretly the leader of this robotic rebellion.
Position Papers Due By 12/03 @ 11:59 pm



Hi! I’m Jeremey Jacob, and I’m a junior at Marriotts Ridge and the Vice-President of Internal Affairs in our club! Joining Model UN in freshman year, I have been hooked ever since our first meeting. The friendships and skills I’ve developed in this club alone have imprinted themselves on me and have steered my life in the best direction possible! As a cordinator for RidgeMUNC, I want you to have as much fun as possible! I am more than ecstatic to be your chair and to watch everyone work out a solution for the topic at hand!


Hi! I’m Aadit Shah, your co-chair for the Futuristic Crisis. I’m a junior here, at Marriotts Ridge. Having joined Model UN in my sophomore year, I realized how exciting this club can be, and I’m honored to be a part of taking that even further. Having a support system and a bunch of friends already in the club, I decided to jump in and I was pleasantly surprised. With events like RidgeMUNC, Model UN becomes an experience, not just an activity. I love Crises because they are less structured than General Assemblies but make for a great time where you can use your imagination and drive the discussion in, really, any direction. I’m excited to see where the rise of AI takes us today!

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