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Equal Access to Education

Welcome to the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization General Assembly on equal access to education worldwide! Throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), educational disparity is a preeminent issue. The majority of children lack the necessary resources to pursue any form of education. Whether this is caused by cultural norms, militant groups, or a lack of resources, the extent to which children and adolescents can take advantage of educational institutions to further pursue knowledge has been limited. In this committee, you will be tasked to come up with a peaceful resolution that addresses education deficiencies across the Middle East and North Africa. We look forward to seeing how you strategize and collaborate to arrive at a peaceful resolution. The fate of MENA is in your hands.
Position Papers Due By 12/03 @ 11:59 pm



Hello Delegates! My name is Suhas Chokkaku and I am a Senior at Marriotts Ridge High School. I will be your Chair for this General Assembly. I joined MRHS Model UN in my freshman year during quarantine, and it was very interesting to see how Model UN operated in a virtual environment. Being in Model UN taught me how to become a better argumentative speaker and allowed me to meet people with a similar passion for spirited debate. We are very excited for you all to partake in this committee and to be your co-chairs!


Hi Delegates! My name is Archanna Ponnadu and I am a senior at Marriotts Ridge High School. I will be your Co-Chair for this General Assembly. I joined Model UN as a sophomore as a means of improving my public speaking skills. Model UN has been a great way for me to explore my interest in international relations, boost my confidence, and meet new people! In the past, I have attended NAIMUN along with several local conferences as a delegate. I am ecstatic to see the direction in which you guys will drive this committee. 

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