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International Drug Trade

In June 2023, the United Nations announced a boost to their fight against the illicit drug trade within the Golden Triangle in response to the surge in drug cultivation and production. The Golden Triangle is a southeast region that encompasses Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) aims to promote international cooperation in the fight against illicit drugs, transnational organized crime, corruption, and terrorism. Along the Mekong River, the Golden Triangle Drug Trade has been one of the largest drug trafficking corridors in the world for the past few decades. Local governments are yet to be successful in effectively controlling the export of illicit drugs through Southeast Asia's dangerous jungles, hidden river branches, and airspace. The concern for political, economic, public health, safety, and environmental impacts highlight the necessity for the United Nations to address this issue. You, as a delegate, must work alongside fellow representatives to face this challenge head-on, in promoting a safer, more regulated world. 
Position Papers Due By 12/03 @ 11:59 pm



Hi! My name is Bridget Klaus, and I am a rising senior at Marriotts Ridge High School! I’ve been a part of this community for three years and love the welcoming atmosphere Model UN has to offer. I have participated/chaired in several conferences including NAIMUN, RIDGEMUNC, CHSMUNC, and many more! Participating in conferences allowed me to develop my public speaking skills, ability to work with others, and debate skills. I hope I am able to make the experience as welcoming, enjoyable, productive, and fun as possible. Good luck to you all!


Welcome Delegates! My name is Deven Battish, and I am a senior here at Marriotts Ridge. Like some of you, I started Model UN during my freshman year during quarantine. An isolated introduction to a social club was not the most ideal, but I eventually found a passion for diplomacy and meeting new people across the state. Model UN, especially this topic, is far from easy, but I have confidence in your abilities to overcome such challenges ahead. I am eager to see your creative and innovative solutions as delegates. Best of luck and have fun!

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